Improving Webpage Performance
K3K, 06 October 2020
Table of Contents
After playing around with Google Lighthouse, I found various places in the code where I can easily improve to enhance this site’s performance. This note serves both as a to-do list for this site and a note of things to check for when developing any web page.
Pay extra attention to included CSS and JS files
Clarify which files need to be load for a specific page. Excessive CSS and JS scripts could lead to unwanted errors, waste browser’s resources and downgrade the site’s performance. Do not include scripts for a specific page (Ex: Homepage) in a page-wise component (Ex: Sidebar Navigation).
Preload resources using HTML tags
HTML offers a wide range of options for you to preload resources:
<link rel="preload" as="{TYPE}">
: preload a specific resource (document, image, style…). Read more:<link rel="preconnect">
: establish early connections so that subsequent fetch will not have to, hence the increase in performance. Read more:<link rel="dns-fetch">
: same as preconnect.